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10 Octobre 2022

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And this time, after breaking the bloody beam, the gray light did not disperse, but swept up the sky like lightning and hit the bloody eyeball heavily. Bang, bang, bang! Bloody eyeballs, in the moment of being bombarded, became dim, the eyeballs slowly fell, and finally with a bang, exploded into powder out of thin air, and then, the blood-colored array that enveloped the sky began to explode one after another, and the whole array was destroyed to pieces in an instant! "Puff!" And as the big array was broken, many strong people of the Yin Puppet Sect below turned red and spurted blood wildly. For a time, the whole ground was dyed red with blood, apparently affected by it. Failed.. Hidden in the dark of the forest move, looking at those who vomit blood injured Yin Puppet Zong strong, in the heart is also can not help but gasp a breath of cold air, immediately have a lingering fear of looking at the plate sitting on the black light group above the black pupil old man's shadow, this is only a residual shadow that has gone through thousands of years, but the power contained in it, but even the whole Yin Puppet Zong, is unable to contend with, Lin move without any doubt. If the shadow of the old man with black pupils had been a little more aggressive, I'm afraid there would be rivers of blood and corpses everywhere today. Blood array collapse, Yin puppet inside and outside the city, countless people are shocked to go, who did not expect, this Yin puppet Zong United all the strength of the strong, unexpectedly finally failed to go. Night enveloped the earth,coltan ore processing, but inside and outside Xuanyin Mountain, it was silent, many forces and strong people, their eyes were flashing crazily at the moment, and now, even fools know that in the black light group, there must be a very powerful treasure, otherwise, there would not be such a terrible seal, and Yin Puppet Zong. It wouldn't have cost so much to crack it. This kind of treasure, no one is not tempted,manganese beneficiation plant, even if they know that this is temporarily owned by Yin Puppet Zong, but this still can not hinder the rise of greed in some people's hearts, in front of the real treasure, even life, will become cheap, let alone the majesty of Yin Puppet Zong? In the silence of the mountains and plains, Teng Cha was also made some absence by this scene, after a moment to come to his senses, eyes instantly became ferocious looking at the black pupil old man's shadow, in order to crack the seal, he even rescued Teng puppet things are pressed down, now is to squander millions of pure yuan Dan, but the final result is undoubtedly a blow to him. If it were not for his deep scheming, he would have roared uncontrollably by now. How is that possible?! But even so, Tengsha body is also trembling slightly, paid such a big price, is it still no harvest? At this time, the elders on the left and right also appeared beside Tengsha in the air. They looked at the virtual shadow of the old man with black pupils sitting on the black light group. They couldn't help saying with a wry smile, "Suzerain, it seems that we have to take a long view on this matter. Today we have revealed that we have a great treasure. It is inevitable that it will not attract peep." "Oh, Tengsha, Carbon in Pulp ,tin beneficiation plant, I didn't expect that you Yin Puppet Zong still had such a treasure. I said you were too stingy. If you took it out and groped together, I'm afraid it would have been cracked long ago. How could it be so dusty as it is now?" Just as the voice of the elders fell, a loud laugh suddenly resounded through the sky, and then several broken winds came, and three figures appeared in the sky. The three figures, all dressed in black clothes, the leader, is a middle-aged man, this person tiger back bear waist, eyes shining, faintly with a sharp luster flashing, a very powerful breath, with a strong gas, spread from his body. Behind him, there were also two old men who looked a little thin. Their faces were full of smiles, and their body skin showed a dark color, like fine iron. Murray! Do you, the Great Demon Gate, also want to get involved in my Yin Puppet Sect? Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared, Tengsha's face darkened in an instant and he said in a cold voice. Murray? It turned out to be the head of the Great Demon Gate. Boy, he was also one of the three strong men who had made a small fortune. "Lin moved to look at this scene, eyes are also a freeze, immediately on the face of a smile, this situation, but more and more chaotic, but this is exactly what he needs." "Ha ha, Tengsha, what did you say? You obviously can't deal with such a treasure. It's better for us to study together than to waste our efforts. Maybe we can have a harvest!" Just as Lin's thoughts were turning, suddenly another laugh sounded in the sky, and then three more figures appeared in the sky. The leader of the Wu League, Wu Zong. Lin looked at the reappearance of the three figures, the corners of the mouth smile more and more rich, this time appeared, the same as one of the three top forces in Dahuang County, Wu Meng, and the strength of these three people, no weaker than the big magic door. This boy, the leaders of the three top forces, are all here! With the arrival of these two people, Yin puppet inside and outside the city, immediately became turbulent, countless hidden in the dark of the strong, are gradually appear, that look at the black light group of eyes, filled with the color of greed. See this scene, Tengsha and other people's complexion, but is gradually gloomy down, they are obviously some underestimated the temptation of the black light group, now not only the big magic door, Wu Meng was attracted to hand, even some other forces and the strong, are also suppressed the fear of Yin Puppet Zong, and began to stir up. Ha ha, Tengsha, I am very curious, what is in this light group, can actually have such a powerful defense! Murai, the head of the Great Demon Gate, laughed, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he suddenly grabbed it out, directly condensed into a huge yuan Li palm, and grabbed it at the black light group. And at the moment of Mulei's action, Wu Zong, the leader of the Wu League, also smiled. At the same time,portable gold wash plant, yuan Li's big hand came out and grabbed the black light group. How dare you! Seeing Mulei and Wuzong, the eyes of Tengsha were also gloomy in an instant, and the sound of shouting resounded through the whole Yin Puppet Sect. All the strong people of the Yin Puppet Sect obey orders. Whoever dares to contaminate the things of the Yin Puppet Sect will be killed! 。 ore-magnetic-mining.com

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